In Ruby on Rails applications, gem Paperclip is often used with gem Fog, which has a feature of setting up Cache-Control
and Expires
headers for file uploads.
Assuming, there is the following configuration in config/application.rb
config.paperclip_defaults = {
storage: :fog,
fog_credentials: {
provider: "Local",
local_root: "#{Rails.root}/public"
fog_directory: "",
fog_host: "localhost"
and Expires
headers can be set up by adding related attributes to the paperclip configuration:
config.paperclip_defaults = {
...previous code...
fog_file: { 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=86400',
'Expires' => 1.week.from_now.httpdate
Remember that max-age
is represented in seconds (so 86400 is 1 day).